JAMST (Vol 27, No 1,April 2023)
Latest Issue in Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 27, No 1, April 2023) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology...
Majlis Anugerah Persada Cendekia (APeC) 2021
Majlis Anugerah Persada Cendekia (APeC) 2021 Pusat Penyelidikan Teknologi Membran Termaju yang diadakan di Pulai Springs Resort, Johor Bahru untuk menghargai staf-staf dan pelajar-pelajar yang telah mencapai kecermelangan dalam pelbagai bidang pada tahun 2021. Persada...
Call for Papers: Membrane Technology for the Rubber Industry
CALL FOR PAPERS: Membrane Technology for the Rubber Industry In collaboration with Malaysian Rubber Board, Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre is pleased to announce an open call for papers for a Special Issue in Journal of Rubber Research entitled "Membrane...
JAMST (Vol 26, No 3, December 2022)
Latest Issue in Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 26, No 3, December 2022) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science &...
Lab visit by SG. Padimas Engineering Sdn. Bhd. and Valourtech Machineries Sdn. Bhd. to AMTEC On the 11th May 2022, AMTEC have receiveed a visit by industry partner of UTM-MPRC Institure for Oil and Gas. The purpose of the visit is to see the potential facilities to be...
Latest Articles Published in Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 25, No 3, December 2021) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science &...
JAMST (Vol 26, No 2, August 2022)
Latest Issue in Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 26, No 2, August 2022) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology...
JAMST(Vol 26, No 1, April 2022)
Latest Issue in Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 26, No 1, April 2022) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science &...
MyMembrane Newsletter (Issue 2, July 2021)
Latest MyMembrane Newsletter (Issue 2, July 2021)